Winchester started improving quality of materials about 1980 but the wood isnt near the pre 64 levels. Browse Winchester Rifles for sale from our community of shooting enthusiasts on the UKs 1 gun marketplace. I would choose the AE unless it was a really nice pre 64 you are looking at. A tang safety adds an extra measure of safety, and is intuitive to operate.
#Winchester 94ae 30 30 for sale series#
The Winchester Select Series of shotguns are, without a doubt, the finest over and unders ever produced by Winchester Shotguns. It just sits in my safe and doesn't get used and it deserves better than that. This is a 'Trapper' version wih a short 16' barrel, lever action, and saddle rings.This is part of my later fathers collection and we will do our best to answer questions. 9 hours ago Winchester 1894 30-30 Short Barrel 'Trapper' Model Description: Winchester model 1894 30/30 in excellent condition. I've owned it for about 5 years now and between myself and the previous owner (ex-coworker) it has right at 2 boxes of ammo through it. Winchester 1894 3030 Short Barrel 'Trapper' Model for sale. Over and under shotguns have always matched beauty with reliable function and unique designs. I have a Winchester Model 94AE 30-30 Ranger up for sale. For Sale Price 480 Manufacturer Winchester Caliber 30-30 City Prescott Valley State Arizona Very clean winchester 94AE in 30-30, 20 inch barrel. Ask Winchester shotgun owners and they’ll tell you that the reputation Winchester shotguns reflect is built upon a rich history of reliability and durability similar to the Winchester Rifles. If I am at all unsure about firearm sales or transfers, I will contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive at 1-800-ATF-GUNS and visit. This allows a Winchester gun to perform smoothly, consistently and accurately. offers a variety of new and used options! Winchester shotguns are built tough with superior fit and finish like the Winchester Rifles.

Whether you’re looking for a semi auto, pump-action or over under shotguns, you’re sure to find field-able, functional and reliable options with Winchester. Winchester shotguns have been the hunter’s companion for many years.